Welcome to the Vatslime Repository!

This is a site dedicated to the documentation and information on the species Vatslimes by CryptidNeons

Feel more than welcome to lurk around, learn about the slimey bastards of Highridge Valley, maybe even bring one of your own to life!

Content warning!

Murder, Gore, Cannibalism, Themes of eugenics, Medical environments, Abuse, Mutilation.More will be added as needed!

The lore of Vatslimes

Welcome to the lore page! Here is where you will find all the information about how Vatland Slime Monsters came to be, how they lived, how they continue to live and how they interact with the world around them, that as far as they're concerned, they own the entire planet.

The lore of Vatslimes - Creation

The original vatslimes were created through a process called somatic embryogenesis, which happened inside of a large vat that is lit from below and above the embryo and simulated similar conditions to growing inside of the womb.The DNA used for each embryo was originally derived from staff in the facility, usually the highest ranked soldiers guarding the facility, and modified to a point of extreme mutation, but was also altered to make vatslimes appear in a uniform shape that would allow them to be separated from a civilian setting if necessary.Through the first stages of growth, a vatslime would photosynthesize. To aid in development, personnel would pump nutrients, minerals and chemicals into vats during the embryotic and whelp stages to encourage the growth, positive mutation and strengthening of the vatslime inside. They also did this to also prevent diseases and negatively affecting mutations, which are usually reasons for the euthanasia of many newly pulled vatslimes, even if they could be nursed back to health.

The embryotic stage of a VSM's growth within the vat usually lasts 2 years, which then it will be considered a whelp. At this stage, whelps can survive being outside of the vats, but will need guidance as any regular child would, though they are more rowdy and much more developed at this point. This is a rare occurence and only happens if the whelp is in life-threatening condition.A vatslime will be considered a whelp until it is at least 13 years old, in which it can be pulled from the vat and thrown into immediate testing and then training for whatever job it may do, unless it is labelled as a permanent subject of study.Outside of the facility, all vatslimes are birthed through a more natural method, growing in an egg produced by one parent, though that egg is usually kept based on preference of the egg-holder rather than any defined set-in-stone way.You will now rarely ever meet a vatslime that was vat-pulled, as they are usually advancing in age and a life of violence and abuse is finally catching up to them.

The lore of Vatslimes - Facility Life

In the facility, vatslimes were never referred to as a species or even as people. They were called "units" and were treated as tools, weapons against whatever enemy the military would have unleashed these violent beings on.Very few members of the military were aware of vatslimes existences, even those who's DNA were taken and mutated most likely didn't know. And most VSMs weren't aware there was an outside world, until they started getting more intelligent.Against popular belief within the PROJECT: Vatland facility, vatslimes were actually very sentient, and quite a few were unnaturally intelligent. The staff of the facility likely thought against this because of the immense amount of aggression that vatslimes displayed, even attempting to hunt and attack staff members from behind sealed glass windows. Some were even successful in their attempts on the lives of those who took part in their creation.After being pulled from their vats at age 13, most vatslimes were immediately thrown into testing then training, usually designated by testing scores.

Some vatslimes, regardless of their health, never made it to training even after being pulled from vats due to their severe aggression, usually being subject to euthanasia. The facility found that severely aggressive vatslimes were not easy to train, thus deeming them not worth the effort despite how much funding was put into them as biological weapons of war.After they had been pulled from their vats, vatslimes in the facilities would receive a serial number. A lot of vatslimes would die, even after this point, usually fading to their death, even during their training sessions due to underlying issues that were not caught or not easily screened for. Their remains still keep their numbers, and are studied as well. Most vatslimes at the time had a serial number between #0000010 and #0020000, the number of vatslimes that were made before the project had crashed, whether they were alive, had already passed, or had been subject to euthanasia.The abuse the vatslimes faced in the facilities were unimaginable, especially for those who were designated permanent subjects of study, experimented and tested on until they could no longer keep themselves alive, then given a death the only way the facility knew how dole out to a near unkillable beast like the vatslimes were. This abuse was noted by more intelligent members of the species, and they soon began to learn how to communicate among each other without being interrupted or punished by facility staff.

The lore of Vatslimes - Safe Haven

Safe Haven, previously an abandoned mine for various precious metals and gems, is now the home to a majority of the VSM population. Safe Haven, despite it's name, is very much a cesspool of abuse and torture, with a brutal hierarchy to top it all off.Of course, VSMs have had to change and evolve themselves to adapt to dig in these caves. Their large arms are able to pick up, dig and move larger rocks, mounds of dirt, and help them in the long run by acting as a sort of storage for excess slime they may produce, making their arms very heavy weapons.In Safe Haven, their society is much different than in the PROJECT: Vatland facilities, where they were originally from. Here, they have hierarchies, jobs, and even began to form their own system of trade and are creating a type of sick economy, using the remains of their fellow VSMs as well as those of other, more natural organisms.

Within the tunnels of Safe Haven, there are shorter tunnels are are typically dedicated to specific, smaller groups of slimes, more comparable to small villages or towns, and within those tunnels, even smaller tunnels dedicated to family groups. These small town-like tunnels are referred to as branches.Branches typically do have names, sometimes they are made up words, sometimes they are derived from common language, sometimes their names literally are just a symbol. vatslimes do not have a strict naming system, and will do as they wish when naming themselves and others of their species, be it their offspring or their mutant "pets".All branches are led by a vatslime that is deemed worthy of the position, referred to as a Branchleader, though some prefer branchowner.

The lore of Vatslimes - Hierarchy

Vatslimes have a color-based hierarchy, and while some branches stick to it strictly, others really don't care to follow it.When referring to colors, vatslimes aren't talking about fur, skin or scales, but by the internal slime color, which stays permanent to them forever and can affect their performance as an individual throughout their lives.The caste hierarchy system only came into play after vatslimes began forming a society within Safe Haven. In the facilities of Project: Vatland, they had no power over anyone, not even themselves, and those who know of this history, resent it.To note, age does affect the brightness of the color of a vatslime's slime, though usually it does not affect their hierarchal ranking. The older they get, the more muted and darker it can get.

The Primary Class - The class of colors of vatslimes that originate from the facility. It is made up of the following colors: Red, Yellow, Blue. They are treated as politicians, royalty, religious leaders, and so on. They are on top of the food chain.

The Secondary Class - The class of colors that are hybrids of the primary class's colors. Some color examples would be: Purple, Green, Orange, though these are not the limit for the secondary class. They are your commoners, your everyday working citizen.

The Mutant Class - The class of colors of vatslimes that do not fit within the caste system. They are usually treated as lesser than the others, even as just pets or trinkets. The colors for this class would be: Black, Gray, White. They also do not have any colors on them at all, displaying only black, gray, and white fur, scales, feathers, and skin.

Slymbrids - Not seen in Safe Haven, as they are a hybrid between a vatslime and another creature. They can display some traits and abilities that vatslimes have, some cannot and they usually take after the parent that isn't a vatslime.

The lore of Vatslimes - Disease

Like many other organic beings, vatslimes have their fair share of illnesses, and a lot of times they are culled off or abandoned by their branches in Safe Haven, unless it can benefit the other vatslimes around them.Most slymbrids are not affected by vatslime diseases, but the more vatslime-like slymbrids can experience them, but have less severe symptoms.

Rockpoke - Those inflicted often have rough, rock-like spurs of hardened slime protruding from their bodies. It is a lot like arthritis, but can result in a slow, painful death due to internal slime constantly leaking and drying up. Vatslimes inflicted sometimes are used to harvest Squaw and Vash from. There is no known treatment.

Gempoke - Similar to Rockpoke, though much rarer and considered to be much more valuable as the slime is more clear and harder than the spurs of rockpoke. Vatslimes inflicted are kept alive as long as possible so the hardened slime gems can be harvested from them to be used in clothing, accessories and for trade. There is no known treatment.

Vludflood - Those inflicted with this will uncontrollably will start leaking slime without any apparent causation, slowly and painfully turning into a material called vlud. They begin to appear like they're melting, with unnaturally stretched limbs and expressions. It is extremely deadly, usually killing within weeks. The vlud left over is sometimes carefully harvested and used as a torture method. There is no known treatment.

The lore of Vatslimes - Death

For many vatslimes, death is usually not considered a big deal. Most things that die become the food of a vatslime, though sometimes a vatslime will mourn the death of other beings, vatslime or not.Mourning is a somewhat rare behavior in Safe Haven, and it is more often times ridiculed by larger, more powerful branches.Most times, inside of Safe Haven of course, death is often seen as an opportunity to gain currency, to raise your social status, or to get your hands on an easy snack. It's not treated very delicately, and often times, it's those who already have power are the ones to benefit from it.Death for a vatslime can happen in a number of ways. Old age is a rare but obvious one, and it's mostly due to an already present genetic defect in all vatslimes. Once a vatslime starts reaching an older age, their outer layer of slime ends up starting to become more porous, causing more air to get in. As they are older, they don't have the strength to regenerate their slime as quickly as, so the slime internally begins to harden, causing them to stiffen more and more until they completely dry out. It's often a painful way of going, and most VSMs never go out this way.

Similar to old age, vatslime s can also die from being forcibly dried out, usually from using a desiccant or through extreme heat. There usually is no way to recover from drying out, as once they're dried out, they are harder than natural stone. This was often used in VATCORP's methods of euthanasia, and is still being used by the military for caught vatslimes.Another notable and very common form of death for vatslimes is cannibalism. Vatslimes are not like the rest of society. Cannibalizing others and their own species is just the norm, and it's just part of day-to-day life when the pickings are slim outside of Safe Haven.Of course, vatslimes can also die from the few diseases that affect them, listed on the disease page!

The Visual Guide to Vatslimes

The are the general guides for artists who wish to draw or create vatslimes. Vatslimes are an open species, feel free to make them as you please.

The Visual Guide to Vatslimes - Anatomy

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The Visual Guide to Vatslimes - Branches

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The Visual Guide to Vatslimes - Clothing

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The Visual Guide to Vatslimes - Diseases

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The Visual Guide to Vatslimes - Traits

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Frequently Asked Questions

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